Grumblr Lab

Local Setup

To start, let’s fork the grumblr_angular repo, then clone down locally

We can get today’s starter code by checking out a new branch:

$ git checkout -b ui-router 1.0.0

Let’s start our server locally:

$ hs

Now if you go to localhost:8080 you should see your app.

Open the file in Atom and your browser

You should see the word Grumblr.

Create a module for grumblr and inject ui.router

// app.js
.module("grumblr", ["ui.router"])

Add ng-app to index.html

<!-- index.html -->
<html ng-app='grumblr'>

Configure ui.router, and define Router function

  • Configure the module you just created, by adding a function that will serve as your Router function
    • Make sure to inject $stateProvider, and pass it in as an argument to your function
// app.js
.module("grumblr", ["ui.router"])
.config(["$stateProvider", Router])

function Router($stateProvider){

Refreshing the page should show “working” in the console.

Create Index Controller

We’re just going to make one controller for now: the index controller.

In app.js, let’s add the following code:

.controller("GrumbleIndexController", [

function GrumbleIndexControllerFunction(){
  console.log("I'm in the controller!")

Use Index controller when url is /grumbles

// app.js

function Router($stateProvider){
  .state("grumbleIndex", {
    url: "/grumbles",
    controller: "GrumbleIndexController",
    controllerAs: "vm"

Create an element with ui-view in index.html

<!-- ./index.html -->
<div ui-view></div>

Visit: http://localhost:8080/#/grumbles

You should see “I’m in the controller!” in the console.

Load Template when url is /grumbles

We can have Angular load and insert whole HTML files for us – just like with partials in Rails.

Let’s create a folder in which we can put some partials:

$ mkdir js/ng-views
$ touch js/ng-views/index.html

Let’s put a piece of HTML into that index.html, just so we know it’s working:

<h2>I'm the Grumbles index!</h2>
function Router($stateProvider){
  .state("grumbleIndex", {
    url: "/grumbles",
    controller: "GrumbleIndexController",
    controllerAs: "vm",
    templateUrl: "js/ng-views/index.html"

When visiting /grumbles in url:

  • You should see “I’m in the controller” logged to the console.
  • You should see “I’m the grumbles index” in the browser

Things to check:

  • Are there any errors in the console?

Load fake data into index controller

Before <script src="js/app.js">, let’s add this:

  var grumbles = [
      title: "I am Grumble One"
      title: "I'm another Grumble"
<script src="js/app.js"></script>

We can access this global variable in all the other files. Set this.grumbles equal to that variable in our controller:

function GrumbleIndexControllerFunction(){
+  this.grumbles = grumbles;

Loop through data and display info about each grumble

<!-- js/ng-views/index.html -->
<div ng-repeat="grumble in vm.grumbles">

You should see each of the grumbles when you refresh the page.

Using ui-sref

Before we make the show pages themselves, we’re going to create some links to them. We use ui-sref which is a directive that binds a link to a state in order to accomplish that.

The problem is, these grumbles don’t actually have IDs – they’re just items in an array.

Inside ng-repeat, you automatically have access to a variable called $index. This refers to the index of the current item in the thing being repeated.

<h2>I'm the Grumbles index!</h2>
<div ng-repeat="grumble in vm.grumbles">
  <p><a ui-sref="grumbleShow({id: $index})">{{grumble.title}}</a></p>

We just invented grumbleShow - define the state in the next section.

Show page for each grumble

In our application we want to be able to view info about one grumble, so let’s add a another state for our show page.

To do this, we can chain an additional .state onto the earlier one:

function Router($stateProvider){
  .state("grumbleIndex", {
    url: "/grumbles",
    controller: "GrumbleIndexController",
    controllerAs: "vm",
    templateUrl: "js/ng-views/index.html"
  .state("grumbleShow", {
    url: "/grumbles/:id",
    controller: "GrumbleShowController",
    controllerAs: "vm",
    templateUrl: "js/ng-views/show.html"

show.html page

$ touch js/ng-views/show.html
<!-- js/ng-views/show.html -->
The show page

Grumble Show Controller

Set up

To start the show controller, We’re just going to copy the index controller. We’ll change index to show, and change this.grumbles to this.grumble since we’re just showing one:

.module("grumblr", ["ui.router"])
.controller("GrumbleShowController", [

function GrumbleShowControllerFunction(){
  this.grumble = {}

We’ll update the router accordingly to reference the new controller:

.state("grumbleShow", {
  url: "/grumbles/:id",
  templateUrl: "js/ng-views/show.html",
  controller: "GrumbleShowController",
  controllerAs: "vm"

Retrieve index from url with $stateParams

Now we need a way of getting the ID from the URL. Angular makes this possible with a module called $stateParams, included with ui.router. We’ll inject it into the controller the same way we injected into the router, and add a console.log so we can see what’s in $stateParams:

.controller("GrumbleShowController", [

function GrumbleShowControllerFunction($stateParams){
  this.grumble = {}

You can see that it’s a small object containing the URL parameters (or the URL’s one parameter, in this case).

So, to get the index of the current grumble, you just need $

function GrumbleShowControllerFunction($stateParams){
  this.grumble = grumbles[$];

Show template

<!-- js/ng-views/show.html -->

You should see the grumble in the browser

The solution code is available here.


You do: CRD Grumbles

This data won’t persist since we’re not hooked up to a database: refresh the page and it’s gone.

But being able to CRD grumbles, even if they just exist until you next refresh the page, will be really useful in doing it for realzies later on!

Thanks to two-way data binding, an “update” button is unnecessary! The grumble is updated automatically as you type.

The Create State

  1. Create a new state for creating a grumble
  2. Create a new controller for creating a grumble
  3. Link to the new state from the index state
  4. Create a template containing a form for a new grumble
    • add ng-model="GrumbleNewViewModel.newGrumble.title"
    • add ng-click="GrumbleNewViewModel.create()"
  5. on ng-submit
    • access grumble properties with this.newGrumble in the controller
    • push the new grumble into the global grumbles array
  6. $state.go to the show view for the new grumble

Deleting a grumble

  1. Add a link to delete a grumble
  2. Add a method on the grumble show controller to remove that grumble from the array

Double Bonus


You’ve probably never seen an Angular app that has hashmarks in its URLs the way we have here. That’s because they’re ugly and Angular makes them super-easy to remove.

First, inject $locationProvder into your router. Then, add $locationProvider.html5Mode(true). The result should be:

// ...

  function Router($stateProvider, $locationProvider){
// ...

If you refresh the page now and follow the error link, it’ll tell you that $location needs a <base> tag.

This is a standard but little-used HTML tag, the purpose of which is to say what URL all relative URLs should be based on.

Add this to your main index.html, right below the <title>:

<base href="http://localhost:8080/" />

Go to localhost:8080 and you should be able to click on URLs without seeing that hash.

$locationProvider bugs

Note that if you actually type localhost:8080/grumbles into your browser’s address bar it won’t work.

That’s because your http-server considers that to be a completely different route – it doesn’t know that you actually want index.html.

Remember that Angular is geared toward single-page apps. In the “real world”, you’d probably have the server redirect every page to index.html.

This can cause some bugs due to browser caching. You can mitigate these bugs in Chrome by disabling caching when you have the console open. This Gif has instructions.